Pen Argyl Sewage Treatment Plant Upgrade
Client: Pen Argyl
Municipal Authority
Engineer: Arro Consulting
Location: Pen Argyl, Pennsylvania
Value: $ 8.5 Million
Completion: April 2009
Project consists of the demolition of existing site
structures including the trickling filter, and flow division
boxes. The project also includes modifications to convert
the existing Control Building to a Mechanical Building. A
new Headworks Building will be constructed to house a
mechanical fine screen device and a grit removal system.
Modifications are required to the four existing aeration
tanks to convert the tanks to two new SBR tanks. One new SBR
tank will
be constructed. A new flow division box, equalization pump
station, utility water pump station, and plant drain pump
station are also required. Modifications are required to the
two existing secondary clarifiers to convert the tanks to
equalization tanks. Modifications are required to the
existing Chlorine Contact Tank No. 1 to convert the tank to
a Post-Aeration and W Disinfection
Tank. Eight new reed beds are to be constructed for sludge
drying. Modifications are required to the existing
clarigester to convert the tank to a primary aerobic
digester. Two additional secondary aerobic digesters will
also be constructed. A new Operations Control Building will
be constructed. The project also includes yard piping and
mechanical work, heating and ventilation work and all
electrical work associated with the plant improvements.