New Hanover Sewage Treatment Facility
Client: New Hanover
Township Authority
Engineer: Gannett Fleming
Location: New Hanover, Pennsylvania
Value: $ 8.6 Million
Completion: July 2008
Alterations and additions to increase the facility capacity
to 1.9 million gallons per day. The work of the Project
included the following: new oxidation ditch; new final
clarifiers; modifications to Distribution Chamber No. 1; new
Distribution Chamber No. 3; new sludge holding tank; new
gravity belt thickener; new Sludge Thickening Building; new
sludge pumps and grinder; new emulsion polymer feed system;
new aerobic digester; new return activated sludge/waste
activated sludge pumps; new blower; new electrical power,
instrumentation and control systems; site work;
miscellaneous piping; and associated work.